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New! Availity Essentials Quick Training Video


We recently added a short video to help you navigate Availity. Our new video series offers you quick and easy trainings that are just two minutes or less to watch. The videos feature useful screenshots so you can see exactly what to do within Availity tools as well as resources and useful tips.

Video topics are based on valuable provider feedback – the first two were about signing up for electronic funds transfer (EFT) and learning how to update your provider information. Here’s the latest one we just posted in our Learning Center:

Checking eligibility and benefits for BlueCard and Shared Administration

To check eligibility and benefits for a BlueCard or Shared Administration member, you need to select the specific payer called “Other Blue Plans Premera BlueExchange Shared Admin.” See descriptive screenshots and learn more about Shared Administration plans. Watch the quick training video.

More information
Find more Availity tips in recent issues of Provider News:

Finding PT Benefits, EOPs
Corrected Claims
Dental Predeterminations
Update Your Information
COB, Vision Visit Limits, Dental Contact Info
Shared Admin, BlueCard