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Individual Network Providers: Critical Steps for EFT Payments

December 7, 2023

Premera partners with InstaMed to deliver individual network claims payments. Starting January 19, 2024, your InstaMed account must meet new requirements for electronic funds transfer (EFT).

Here are critical steps to follow to ensure you receive your autopayments in the new year:

  • Sign in to your InstaMed account at your User ID, Password, and Corporate ID.
  • Navigate to Configure > Account Info > Manage Payer Payments.
  • Review your account information and confirm that your billing national provider identifier (NPI2) numbers are accurate, up to date, and match the correct taxpayer identification number (TIN).
  • If you have any questions, please contact InstaMed Customer Service at (866) INSTAMED or (866) 467-8263 before the end of the year.

TIN/NPI2 number combinations that are missing or mismatched will receive payments via paper checks after January 19, 2024. Additionally, providers with single NPIs on multiple TINs will receive paper checks because InstaMed has no way to pay these claims in compliance with CMS.