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How to Get Diabetic Retinal Eye Exam (DRE) Results into Medical Records


Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska encourages diabetic members to have their diabetic retinal eye exam at least annually for patients with positive retinopathy and every two years for patients without evidence of retinopathy. However, the results for this exam aren’t always documented in the patient’s medical record for the primary care provider (PCP) to review. It can be difficult to get the documentation entered because many eye care providers don’t have access to a shared electronic health record system to send the exam results electronically.

To help get this important information into a patient’s medical record, we’ve created an eye exam report for diabetes form. Providers can give this form to their patients to take to their next eye exam appointment. The eye care provider fills out the form and can send it back to the PCP’s office or the patient can bring the completed form to their next PCP appointment. The form is also available in Spanish.

If you have suggestions for improving the form, send us an email at